Source code for media_nommer.core.job_state_backend

The job state backend provides a simple API for :doc:`../feederd` and 
:doc:`../ec2nommerd` to store and retrieve job state information. This can be 
everything from the list of currently un-finished jobs, to the 
down-to-the-minute status of individual jobs.

There are two pieces to the job state backend:

* The :py:class:`EncodingJob` class is used to interact with and manipulate
  individual jobs and their state.
* The :py:class:`JobStateBackend` class is used to operate as the topmost
  manager. It can track all of the currently running jobs, get new jobs
  from the SQS queue, and process state change notifications from SQS.
import random
import hashlib
import datetime
import json
import boto
from boto.sqs.message import Message
from media_nommer.conf import settings
from media_nommer.utils import logger
from media_nommer.utils.mod_importing import import_class_from_module_string

[docs]class EncodingJob(object): """ Represents a single encoding job. This class handles the serialization and de-serialization involved when saving and loading encoding jobs to and from SimpleDB_. .. tip:: You generally won't be instantiating these objects yourself. To retrieve an existing job, you may use :py:meth:`JobStateBackend.get_job_object_from_id`. """ def __init__(self, source_path, dest_path, nommer, job_options, unique_id=None, job_state='PENDING', job_state_details=None, notify_url=None, creation_dtime=None, last_modified_dtime=None): """ :param str source_path: The URI to the source media to encode. :param str dest_path: The URI to upload the encoded media to. :param dict job_options: The job options to pass to the Nommer in key/value format. See each Nommer's documentation for details on accepted options. :keyword str unique_id: The unique hash ID for this job. If :py:meth:`save` is called and this value is ``None``, an ID will be generated for this job. :keyword str job_state: The state that the job is in. :keyword str job_state_details: Any details to go along with whatever job state this job is in. For example, if job_state is `ERROR`, this keyword might contain an error message. :keyword str notify_url: The URL to hit when this job has finished. :keyword datetime.datetime creation_dtime: The time when this job was created. :keyword datetime.datetime last_modified_dtime: The time when this job was last modified. """ self.source_path = source_path self.dest_path = dest_path # __import__ doesn't like unicode, cast this to a str. self.nommer = import_class_from_module_string(str(nommer))(self) self.job_options = job_options self.unique_id = unique_id self.job_state = job_state self.job_state_details = job_state_details self.notify_url = notify_url self.creation_dtime = creation_dtime if not self.creation_dtime: self.creation_dtime = self.last_modified_dtime = last_modified_dtime if not self.last_modified_dtime: self.last_modified_dtime = if isinstance(self.job_options, basestring): # If job_options is a string, it is JSON. De-code it and make it # a Python dict. self.job_options = json.loads(self.job_options) self.job_state = job_state # SimpleDB doesn't store datetime objects. We need to do some # massaging to make this work. self.creation_dtime = self._get_dtime_from_string(self.creation_dtime) self.last_modified_dtime = self._get_dtime_from_string(self.last_modified_dtime) def __repr__(self): """ String representation of the object. Just show the unique ID. """ return u'EncodingJob: %s' % self.unique_id def _get_dtime_from_string(self, dtime): """ If ``dtime`` is a string, try to parse and instantiate a date from it. If it's something else, just return the value without messing with it. :param str or datetime.datetime: The string in ``repr(datetime.datetime)`` format to parse. Or a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object. """ if isinstance(dtime, basestring): return datetime.datetime.strptime(dtime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') # Not a string, just return it. return dtime def _generate_unique_job_id(self): """ Since SimpleDB has no notion of primary keys or auto-incrementing fields, we have to create our own. Generate a unique ID for the job based on a bunch of values and a random salt. :rtype: str :returns: A "unique" hash for the job, based on its contents. """ random_salt = random.random() combo_str = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.source_path, self.dest_path, repr(self.job_options), random_salt) return hashlib.sha512(combo_str).hexdigest()[:50]
[docs] def save(self): """ Serializes and saves the job to SimpleDB_. In the case of a newly instantiated job, also handles queueing the job up into the new job queue. :rtype: str :returns: The unique ID of the job. """ # Is this a new job that needs creation? is_new_job = not self.unique_id # Generate this once so our microseconds stay the same from # creation time to updated time. now_dtime = if is_new_job: # This serves as the "FK" equivalent. self.unique_id = self._generate_unique_job_id() # Create the item in the domain. job = JobStateBackend._get_sdb_job_state_domain().new_item(self.unique_id) # Start populating values. self.creation_dtime = now_dtime self.job_state = 'PENDING' else: # Retrieve the existing item for the job. job = JobStateBackend._get_sdb_job_state_domain().get_item(self.unique_id) if job is None: msg = ' ' \ 'No match found in DB for ID: %s' % self.unique_id raise Exception(msg) if self.job_state_details and isinstance(self.job_state_details, basestring): # Get within AWS's limitations. We'll assume that the error message # is probably near the tail end of the output (hopefully). Not # a great assumption, but it'll have to do. self.job_state_details = self.job_state_details[-1023:] job['unique_id'] = self.unique_id job['source_path'] = self.source_path job['dest_path'] = self.dest_path job['nommer'] = '%s.%s' % (self.nommer.__class__.__module__, self.nommer.__class__.__name__) job['job_options'] = json.dumps(self.job_options) job['job_state'] = self.job_state job['job_state_details'] = self.job_state_details job['notify_url'] = self.notify_url job['last_modified_dtime'] = now_dtime job['creation_dtime'] = self.creation_dtime logger.debug(" Item pre-save values: %s" % job) if is_new_job: logger.debug(" Enqueueing new job: %s" % self.unique_id) sqs_message = Message(body=job['unique_id']) JobStateBackend._get_sqs_new_job_queue().write(sqs_message) return job['unique_id']
def _send_state_change_notification(self): """ Send a message to a state change SQS that lets feederd know to re-load the job from memory. """ logger.debug("EncodingJob._send_state_change_notification(): " \ "Sending job state change for %s" % self.unique_id) sqs_message = Message() sqs_message.set_body(self.unique_id) JobStateBackend._get_sqs_state_change_queue().write(sqs_message)
[docs] def set_job_state(self, job_state, details=None): """ Sets the job's state and saves it to the backend. Sends a notification to :doc:`../feederd` to re-load the job's data from SimpleDB_ via SQS_. :param str job_state: The state to set the job to. :keyword str job_state_details: Any details to go along with whatever job state this job is in. For example, if job_state is `ERROR`, this keyword might contain an error message. """ if job_state not in JobStateBackend.JOB_STATES: raise Exception('Invalid job state: % s' % job_state) logger.debug("EncodingJob.set_job_state(): " \ "Setting job state on %s to %s" % ( self.unique_id, job_state)) self.job_state = job_state self.job_state_details = details # Write the changes to the backend. # Announce a change in state, if the backend supports such a thing. self._send_state_change_notification()
[docs] def is_finished(self): """ Returns True if this job is in a finished state. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if the job is in a finished state, or ``False`` if not. """ return self.job_state in JobStateBackend.FINISHED_STATES
[docs]class JobStateBackend(object): """ Abstracts storing and retrieving job state information to and from SimpleDB_. Jobs are represented through the :py:class:`EncodingJob` class, which are instantiated and returned as needed. """ JOB_STATES = ['PENDING', 'DOWNLOADING', 'ENCODING', 'UPLOADING', 'FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'ABANDONED'] """All possible job states as a list of strings.""" FINISHED_STATES = ['FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'ABANDONED'] """Any jobs in the following states are considered "finished" in that we won't do anything else with them. This is a list of strings.""" # The following AWS fields are for lazy-loading. __aws_sdb_connection = None __aws_sdb_job_state_domain = None __aws_sqs_connection = None __aws_sqs_new_job_queue = None __aws_sqs_state_change_queue = None @classmethod def _get_sdb_connection(cls): """ Lazy - loading of the SimpleDB boto connection. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sdb_connection directly. :returns: A boto connection to Amazon's SimpleDB interface. """ if not cls.__aws_sdb_connection: cls.__aws_sdb_connection = boto.connect_sdb( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) return cls.__aws_sdb_connection @classmethod def _get_sdb_job_state_domain(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the SimpleDB boto domain. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sdb_job_state_domain directly. :returns: A boto SimpleDB domain for this workflow. """ if not cls.__aws_sdb_job_state_domain: cls.__aws_sdb_job_state_domain = cls._get_sdb_connection().create_domain( settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN) return cls.__aws_sdb_job_state_domain @classmethod def _get_sqs_connection(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the SQS boto connection. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sqs_connection directly. :returns: A boto connection to Amazon's SimpleDB interface. """ if not cls.__aws_sqs_connection: cls.__aws_sqs_connection = boto.connect_sqs( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) return cls.__aws_sqs_connection @classmethod def _get_sqs_new_job_queue(cls): """ Lazy - loading of the SQS boto queue. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sqs_new_job_queue directly. :returns: A boto SQS queue. """ if not cls.__aws_sqs_new_job_queue: cls.__aws_sqs_new_job_queue = cls._get_sqs_connection().create_queue( settings.SQS_NEW_JOB_QUEUE_NAME) return cls.__aws_sqs_new_job_queue @classmethod def _get_sqs_state_change_queue(cls): """ Lazy - loading of the SQS boto queue. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sqs_state_change_queue directly. :returns: A boto SQS queue. """ if not cls.__aws_sqs_state_change_queue: cls.__aws_sqs_state_change_queue = cls._get_sqs_connection().create_queue( settings.SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME) return cls.__aws_sqs_state_change_queue @classmethod def _get_job_object_from_item(cls, item): """ Given an SDB item, instantiate and return an EncodingJob. """ # Pass the SDB item as a dict to be used as args to constructor. job = EncodingJob(**item) return job @classmethod
[docs] def get_job_object_from_id(cls, unique_id): """ Given a job's unique ID, return an EncodingJob instance. TODO: Make this raise a more specific exception. :param str unique_id: An :py:class:`EncodingJob`'s unique ID. """ item = cls._get_sdb_job_state_domain().get_item(unique_id) if item is None: msg = 'JobStateBackend.get_job_object_from_id(): ' \ 'No unique ID match for: % s' % unique_id raise Exception(msg) return cls._get_job_object_from_item(item)
[docs] def wipe_all_job_data(cls): """ Deletes the SimpleDB domain and empties the SQS queue. These are both used to store and communicate job state data. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if successful. ``False`` if not. """ try: cls._get_sdb_connection().delete_domain(settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN) cls._get_sqs_new_job_queue().clear() except boto.exception.SDBResponseError: # Tried to delete a domain that doesn't exist. We probably haven't # ran feederd before, or are doing testing. pass # Reset our local cache of the boto SDB domain object. cls.__aws_sdb_job_state_domain = None # Reset our local cache of the boto SQS queue object. cls.__aws_sqs_new_job_queue = None
[docs] def get_unfinished_jobs(cls): """ Queries SimpleDB for a list of pending jobs that have not yet been finished. :rtype: list :returns: A list of unfinished :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects. """ query_str = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE job_state != '%s' " \ "and job_state != '%s' " \ "and job_state != '%s'" % ( settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN, 'FINISHED', 'ERROR', 'ABANDONED', ) results = cls._get_sdb_job_state_domain().select(query_str) jobs = [] for item in results: try: job = cls._get_job_object_from_item(item) except TypeError: message = "JobStateBackend.get_unfinished_jobs(): " \ "Unable to instantiate job: %s" % item logger.error(message_or_obj=message) logger.error() continue except ImportError: message = "JobStateBackend.get_unfinished_jobs(): " \ "Invalid nommer specified for job: %s" % item logger.error(message_or_obj=message) logger.error() continue jobs.append(job) return jobs
@classmethod def _pop_jobs_from_queue(cls, queue, num_to_pop, visibility_timeout=30, delete_msg_on_pop=True): """ Pops job objects from a queue whose entries have bodies that just contain job ID strings. This is a generic helper method to pop from arbitrary SQS queues. The new job queue and the job state change queues are examples of uses for it. .. warning:: Once jobs are popped from a queue and ``delete()`` is ran on the message, they are gone for good. Be careful to handle errors in the methods higher on the call stack that use this method. :param boto.sqs.queue.Queue queue: The queue to pop jobs from. :param int num_to_pop: The maximum number of jobs to pop at a time. This can not be more than 10, as per SimpleDB_ limitations. :param int visibility_timeout: The time (in seconds) that a job will re-appear on the queue if ``delete()`` is not called on it. :param bool delete_msg_on_pop: If ``True``, delete the message as soon as the job is popped. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects. """ if num_to_pop > 10: msg = 'SQS only allows up to 10 messages to be popped at a time.' raise Exception(msg) messages = queue.get_messages(num_to_pop, visibility_timeout=visibility_timeout) # Store these in a dict to avoid duplicates. Keys are unique id. jobs = {} for message in messages: # These message bodies only contain a unique id string. unique_id = message.get_body() if not jobs.has_key(unique_id): # Avoid querying for a job we already have. This mostly comes # up with the state change queue, where you can have more # than one state change for the same object. In that case, # there could be more than one queue entry with the same # job id in their bodies. jobs[unique_id] = cls.get_job_object_from_id(unique_id) if delete_msg_on_pop: # Deleting a message makes it gone for good from SQS, instead # of re-appearing after the timeout if we don't delete. message.delete() # Return just the unique EncodingJob objects. return jobs.values() @classmethod
[docs] def pop_new_jobs_from_queue(cls, num_to_pop): """ Pops any new jobs from the job queue. .. warning:: Once jobs are popped from a queue and ``delete()`` is ran on the message, they are gone for good. Be careful to handle errors in the methods higher on the call stack that use this method. :param int num_to_pop: Pop up to this many jobs from the queue at once. This can be up to 10, as per SimpleDB_ limitations. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects. """ return cls._pop_jobs_from_queue(cls._get_sqs_new_job_queue(), num_to_pop, visibility_timeout=3600)
[docs] def pop_state_changes_from_queue(cls, num_to_pop): """ Pops any recent state changes from the queue. .. warning:: Once jobs are popped from a queue and ``delete()`` is ran on the message, they are gone for good. Be careful to handle errors in the methods higher on the call stack that use this method. :param int num_to_pop: Pop up to this many jobs from the queue at once. This can be up to 10, as per SimpleDB_ limitations. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :py:class:`EncodingJob` objects. """ return cls._pop_jobs_from_queue(cls._get_sqs_state_change_queue(), num_to_pop, visibility_timeout=3600)