Source code for media_nommer.ec2nommerd.node_state

Contains the :py:class:`NodeStateManager` class, which is an abstraction layer
for storing and communicating the status of EC2_ nodes.
import urllib2
import datetime
import boto
from twisted.internet import reactor
from media_nommer.conf import settings
from media_nommer.utils import logger
from media_nommer.utils.compat import total_seconds

[docs]class NodeStateManager(object): """ Tracks this node's state, reports it to :doc:`../feederd`, and terminates itself if certain conditions of inactivity are met. """ last_dtime_i_did_something = # Used for lazy-loading the SDB connection. Do not refer to directly. __aws_sdb_connection = None # Used for lazy-loading the SDB domain. Do not refer to directly. __aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain = None # Used for lazy-loading the EC2 connection. Do not refer to directly. __aws_ec2_connection = None # Store the instance ID for this EC2 node (if not local). __instance_id = None @classmethod def _aws_ec2_connection(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the EC2 boto connection. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_ec2_connection directly. :returns: A boto connection to Amazon's EC2 interface. """ if not cls.__aws_ec2_connection: cls.__aws_ec2_connection = boto.connect_ec2( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) return cls.__aws_ec2_connection @classmethod def _aws_sdb_connection(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the SimpleDB boto connection. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sdb_connection directly. :returns: A boto connection to Amazon's SimpleDB interface. """ if not cls.__aws_sdb_connection: cls.__aws_sdb_connection = boto.connect_sdb( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) return cls.__aws_sdb_connection @classmethod def _aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the SimpleDB boto domain. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain directly. :returns: A boto SimpleDB domain for this workflow. """ if not cls.__aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain: cls.__aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain = cls._aws_sdb_connection().create_domain( settings.SIMPLEDB_EC2_NOMMER_STATE_DOMAIN) return cls.__aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain @classmethod
[docs] def get_instance_id(cls, is_local=False): """ Determine this EC2 instance's unique instance ID. Lazy load this, and avoid further re-queries after the first one. :param bool is_local: When True, don't try to hit EC2's meta data server, When False, just make up a unique ID. :rtype: str :returns: The EC2 instance's ID. """ if not cls.__instance_id: if is_local: cls.__instance_id = 'local-dev' else: aws_meta_url = '' response = urllib2.urlopen(aws_meta_url) cls.__instance_id = return cls.__instance_id
[docs] def is_ec2_instance(cls): """ Determine whether this is an EC2 instance or not. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if this is an EC2 instance, ``False`` if otherwise. """ return cls.get_instance_id() != 'local-dev'
[docs] def send_instance_state_update(cls, state='ACTIVE'): """ Sends a status update to feederd through SimpleDB. Lets the daemon know how many jobs this instance is crunching right now. Also updates a timestamp field to let feederd know how long it has been since the instance's last check-in. :keyword str state: If this EC2_ instance is anything but ``ACTIVE``, pass the state here. This is useful during node termination. """ if cls.is_ec2_instance(): instance_id = cls.get_instance_id() item = cls._aws_sdb_nommer_state_domain().new_item(instance_id) item['id'] = instance_id item['active_jobs'] = cls.get_num_active_threads() - 1 item['last_report_dtime'] = item['state'] = state
[docs] def contemplate_termination(cls, thread_count_mod=0): """ Looks at how long it's been since this worker has done something, and decides whether to self-terminate. :param int thread_count_mod: Add this to the amount returned by the call to :py:meth:`get_num_active_threads`. This is useful when calling this method from a non-encoder thread. :rtype: bool :returns: ``True`` if this instance terminated itself, ``False`` if not. """ if not cls.is_ec2_instance(): # Developing locally, don't go here. return False # This is -1 since this is also a thread doing the contemplation. # This would always be 1, even if we had no jobs encoding, if we # didn't take into account this thread. num_active_threads = cls.get_num_active_threads() + thread_count_mod if num_active_threads > 0: # Encoding right now, don't terminate. return False tdelt = - cls.last_dtime_i_did_something # Total seconds of inactivity. inactive_secs = total_seconds(tdelt) # If we're over the inactivity threshold... if inactive_secs > settings.NOMMERD_MAX_INACTIVITY: instance_id = cls.get_instance_id() conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection() # Find this particular EC2 instance via boto. reservations = conn.get_all_instances(instance_ids=[instance_id]) # This should only be one match, but in the interest of # playing along... for reservation in reservations: for instance in reservation.instances: # Here's the instance, terminate it."Goodbye, cruel world.") cls.send_instance_state_update(state='TERMINATED') instance.terminate() # Seeya later! return True # Continue existence, no termination. return False
[docs] def get_num_active_threads(cls): """ Checks the reactor's threadpool to see how many threads are currently working. This can be used to determine how busy this node is. :rtype: int :returns: The number of active threads. """ return len(reactor.getThreadPool().working)
[docs] def i_did_something(cls): """ Pat ourselves on the back each time we do something. Used for determining whether this node's continued existence is necessary anymore in :py:meth:`contemplate_termination`. """ cls.last_dtime_i_did_something =