Source code for media_nommer.feederd.ec2_instance_manager

Contains the :py:class:`EC2InstanceManager` class, which helps manage the
currently active instances.
import boto
from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
from media_nommer.conf import settings
from media_nommer.utils import logger
from media_nommer.core.job_state_backend import JobStateBackend

[docs]class EC2InstanceManager(object): """ This class managers and creates EC2_ instances from the configured encoder AMI. Additional instances are spawned based on the size of the job queue in relation to the amount of manpower available at any point in time. """ # Used for lazy-loading the EC2 connection. Do not refer to directly. __aws_ec2_connection = None @classmethod def _aws_ec2_connection(cls): """ Lazy-loading of the EC2 boto connection. Refer to this instead of referencing cls.__aws_ec2_connection directly. :returns: A boto connection to Amazon's EC2 interface. """ if not cls.__aws_ec2_connection: cls.__aws_ec2_connection = boto.connect_ec2( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) return cls.__aws_ec2_connection @classmethod
[docs] def get_instances(cls): """ Returns a list of boto :py:class:`Instance <boto.ec2.instance.Instance>` objects matching the media-nommer AMI, as per :py:data:`media_nommer.conf.settings.EC2_AMI_ID`. Also filters only running instances. :rtype: list :returns: A list of :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Instance` objects representing currently active media-nommer :doc:`../ec2nommerd` instances. """ # Instances must be in these states to make it through the filter. counted_states = ['running', 'pending'] # Get a list of reservations for all running instances. reservations = cls._aws_ec2_connection().get_all_instances() # Hold a list of Instance objects to return. instances = [] for r in reservations: for i in r.instances: if i.image_id == settings.EC2_AMI_ID and i.state in counted_states: # Passed filters, this is a media-nommer instance. instances.append(i) return instances
[docs] def spawn_if_needed(cls): """ Spawns additional EC2 instances if needed. :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` or ``None`` :returns: If instances are spawned, return a boto Reservation object. If no instances are spawned, ``None`` is returned. """ instances = cls.get_instances() num_instances = len(instances) logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \ "Current active instances: %d" % num_instances) if num_instances >= settings.MAX_NUM_EC2_INSTANCES: # No more instances, no spawning allowed. return unfinished_jobs = JobStateBackend.get_unfinished_jobs() num_unfinished_jobs = len(unfinished_jobs) logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \ "Current unfinished jobs: %d" % num_unfinished_jobs) if num_unfinished_jobs == 0: # No unfinished jobs, no need to go any further. return job_capacity = num_instances * settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE if job_capacity == 0: # Don't factor in overflow thresh or anything if we have no # instances or capacity. cap_plus_thresh = 0 else: cap_plus_thresh = job_capacity + settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH logger.debug("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \ "Job capacity (%d w/ thresh): %d" % (job_capacity, cap_plus_thresh)) is_over_capacity = num_unfinished_jobs >= cap_plus_thresh # Disgregard the overflow thresh if there are jobs but no instances. if is_over_capacity or num_instances == 0: overage = num_unfinished_jobs - job_capacity if job_capacity > 0: # Only factor overhold threshold in when we have capacity # available in some form. overage -= settings.JOB_OVERFLOW_THRESH if overage <= 0: # Adding in the overflow thresh brought this under the # overage level. No need for spawning instances. return None"EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed(): " \ "Observed labor shortage of: %d" % overage) # Raw # of instances needing to be spawned. num_new_instances = overage / settings.MAX_ENCODING_JOBS_PER_EC2_INSTANCE # At this point, we know there's an overage, even with the overflow # thresh factored in (if there is at least one EC2 instance # already running). num_new_instances = max(num_new_instances, 1) # Also don't spawn more than the max configured instances. num_new_instances = min(num_new_instances, settings.MAX_NUM_EC2_INSTANCES) # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the # important bit. if num_new_instances > 0: return cls.spawn_instances(num_new_instances) # No new instances. return None
[docs] def spawn_instances(cls, num_instances): """ Spawns the number of instances specified. :param int num_instances: The number of instances to spawn. :rtype: :py:class:`boto.ec2.instance.Reservation` :returns: A boto Reservation for the started instance(s). """"EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \ "Spawning %d new instances" % num_instances) conn = cls._aws_ec2_connection() try: image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=settings.EC2_AMI_ID) image = image[0] except EC2ResponseError: logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \ "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID) logger.error() return except IndexError: logger.error("EC2InstanceManager.spawn_instances(): " \ "No AMI with ID %s could be found." % settings.EC2_AMI_ID) logger.error() return # The boto Reservation object. Its 'instances' attribute is the # important bit. return, max_count=num_instances, instance_type=settings.EC2_INSTANCE_TYPE, security_groups=settings.EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS, key_name=settings.EC2_KEY_NAME, user_data=cls._gen_ec2_user_data())
@classmethod def _gen_ec2_user_data(cls): """ Generates the User-Data param to pass to Ubuntu Server's cloud-init. This will cause certain things to be done at startup time. :rtype: str :returns: A user data string for :py:meth:`spawn_instances` to use. """ user_data = "#cloud-config\n" \ "apt_update: false\n\n" \ "apt_upgrade: false\n\n" \ "runcmd:\n" \ " - chmod 777 /tmp\n" \ " - echo \"s3://%s:%s@%s/\" > /home/nom/.nommerd_s3.cfg\n" \ " - chown nom:nom /home/nom/.nommerd_s3.cfg\n" \ " - sudo -u nom -i /home/nom/.virtualenvs/media_nommer/bin/pip install --upgrade git+ > /tmp/media_nom_upgrade.log\n" \ " - supervisorctl start ec2nommerd > /tmp/superv_start.log" % ( settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, settings.CONFIG_S3_BUCKET, ) return user_data