Source code for media_nommer.feederd.interval_tasks

This module contains tasks that are executed at intervals, and is imported at
the time the server is started. Much of :doc:`../feederd`'s 'intelligence'
can be found here.

All functions prefixed with ``task_`` are task functions that are registered
with the Twisted_ reactor. All functions prefixed with ``threaded_`` are
the interesting bits that actually do things.
from twisted.internet import task, reactor
from media_nommer.conf import settings
from media_nommer.utils import logger
from media_nommer.feederd.job_cache import JobCache
from media_nommer.feederd.ec2_instance_manager import EC2InstanceManager
from media_nommer.feederd import job_state_notifier

[docs]def threaded_check_for_job_state_changes(): """ Checks the SQS queue specified in the :py:data:`SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME <media_nommer.conf.settings.SQS_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_QUEUE_NAME>` setting for announcements of state changes from the EC2_ instances running :doc:`../ec2nommerd`. This lets :doc:`../feederd` know it needs to get updated job details from the SimpleDB_ domain defined in the :py:data:`SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN <media_nommer.conf.settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN>` setting. """ changed_jobs = JobCache.refresh_jobs_with_state_changes() for job in changed_jobs: job_state_notifier.send_notification(job) # If jobs have completed, remove them from the job cache. JobCache.uncache_finished_jobs()
[docs]def task_check_for_job_state_changes(): """ Checks for job state changes in a non-blocking manner. Calls :py:func:`threaded_check_for_job_state_changes`. """ reactor.callInThread(threaded_check_for_job_state_changes)
[docs]def threaded_prune_jobs(): """ Sometimes failure happens, but a Nommer doesn't handle said failure gracefully. Instead of state changing to ``ERROR``, it gets stuck in some un-finished state in the SimpleDB_ domain defined in :py:data:`SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN <media_nommer.conf.settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN>` setting. This process finds jobs that haven't been updated in a very long time (a day or so) that are probably dead. It marks them with an ``ABANDONED`` state, letting us know something went really wrong. """ JobCache.abandon_stale_jobs() # Expire any newly abandoned jobs, too. Removes them from job cache. JobCache.uncache_finished_jobs()
[docs]def task_prune_jobs(): """ Prune expired or abandoned jobs from the domain specified in the :py:data:`SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN <media_nommer.conf.settings.SIMPLEDB_JOB_STATE_DOMAIN>` setting. Also prunes :doc:`../feederd`'s job cache. Calls :py:func:`threaded_prune_jobs`. """ reactor.callInThread(threaded_prune_jobs)
[docs]def threaded_manage_ec2_instances(): """ Looks at the current number of jobs needing encoding and compares them to the pool of currently running EC2_ instances. Spawns more instances as needed. See source of :py:meth:`media_nommer.feederd.ec2_instance_manager.EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed` for the logic behind this. """ EC2InstanceManager.spawn_if_needed()
[docs]def task_manage_ec2_instances(): """ Calls the instance creation logic in a non-blocking manner. Calls :py:func:`threaded_manage_ec2_instances`. """ reactor.callInThread(threaded_manage_ec2_instances)
[docs]def register_tasks(): """ Registers all tasks. Called by the :doc:`../feederd` Twisted_ plugin. """ task.LoopingCall(task_check_for_job_state_changes).start( settings.FEEDERD_JOB_STATE_CHANGE_CHECK_INTERVAL, now=False) task.LoopingCall(task_prune_jobs).start( settings.FEEDERD_PRUNE_JOBS_INTERVAL, now=True) # Only register the instance auto-spawning if enabled. if settings.FEEDERD_ALLOW_EC2_LAUNCHES: logger.debug("feederd will automatically scale EC2 instances.") task.LoopingCall(task_manage_ec2_instances).start( settings.FEEDERD_AUTO_SCALE_INTERVAL, now=False)